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.: Interview with Synelle :.
It was filled with life and energy

Today I have an appointment with Synelle. She told me to meet her in TIR, so I walk through the whompas in Old Athen.
The beautiful, but oh so lethal soldier is standing next to the river in TIR, feeding some hungry birds. She dont seek problems and her highest wish is for peace on Rubi-ka. But make no mistake, if you come looking for trouble you'll get more than you can handle. She looks up as I get close, no chance of sneaking up on her I guess. She recognizes me right away, puts on a smile and says "hi snake". I've known this soldier for quite some time now, she was the one that recruited me to TRB and was president at the time, a long time ago… and alot of things has happened since then.

I reply "Hi Synelle, how are you today?" She answers “Doing great thanks. Hey, come follow me!” She’s leading me to the middle of Tir, and we sit down close to some tents outside Fair Trade. “You know, Snake”, she says. “This place used to be real crowded. It was filled with life and energy. Now look at it. I guess it’s called evolution. It’s a good place to hide away now, though.” She smiles and continues. “Now, what do you wanna know?”

“Firstly, when did you first come to Rubi-ka and when did you join TRB?" She thinks about it for a few and taps her fingers on her cheek. “I got to rubi-ka about 3 years ago. That’s earth year at least” Synelle smiles. “The subway was in Old Athen back then, and during the fights down there I was invited to a guild called Ronin. This turned out to be a very important event for the history of TRB, because the friendship TRB is known for was started there. So when Ronin disbanded, TRB was made out of a very few friends. Big thanks to Althorax who made it happen. I spent some time in a guild called Axis, before I chosed to return to TRB. The experience in Axis really became helpful later on.”

My motivation

A fixer runs by, he didn’t even notice us. “After joining TRB you worked your way all the way up to president, exploring Rubi-Ka and Shadow Lands at the same time, back in the days when all the paths wasn’t already walked thousands of times before, still having time to take care of the lower lvls and help people whenever you had the chance to. Where did you get your motivation?" Synelle takes a deep breath. Her hair is moving slowly in the wind and her gun is lying just a fingertip away from her thigh. “I am never satisfied with the present time. That’s how I am as a person. I always look forward, into the future. I like to help people out, only that is a motivation. But I also see that helping out especially guild members is good for the guilds future. It brings knowledge to more members who again can help other people. And helping out is a very good opportunity to get to know a person. To make friends and to see your friends grow more powerful is a very good motivation for me. Then I know that our guild got a bright future, and that makes me happy.”

“You had to leave Rubi-Ka and TRB to fight at your home planet for a long time, leaving all your equipment behind not even get the chance to say goodbye, must have been a hard time for you?” Synelle looks away for a minute before she responds. “Yes, that was a very hard time for me. At that time, I felt it was necessary for me to do that, but I regret about the way it happened. There were personal reasons behind it, which I don’t want to comment now. But I am sorry for the ones I hurted by leaving. A lot of good things has happened since then, both for me and for the guild. You can’t belive how great it is to have seen The Red Brotherhood growing from a team into a full-grown guild. It makes me feel warm inside.“

Laugh at greed and spit it in the face

She’s smiling again, but I notice she is always on guard. Listening, watching, keeping the gun close to her hand. You can tell she’s been in fights before. “After you got things sorted out back home, you decided to take the trip back to rubi-ka. Good to be back? How do you like the "new" TRB and anything you would like to see more/less of in TRB?” “Yeah, you can’t imagine how good it is to be back. I don’t think TRB has changed that much since I left. It has become more active and we have more members, but what I mean is that the fundamental principles still are there. I think our guild has done a good job in recruiting people who is willing to follow those principles, and all of our members has done a very good job telling applicants what is wrong and what is right in The Red Brotherhood. It’s so touching to see that the rules I once wrote still are the main rules. It is very touching... "

“Ok, that was all I had. Any last comments?” She looks me in the eyes, putting on a serious look before she firmly say “Remember, never get lazy. It is so easy to let everything slip when it’s going good. Keep the train on track. Set new goals. Don’t wait for the future. Speed up and run into the future with all you got. And last, fight greed. Greed will eat us up from inside. Laugh at greed and spit it in the face. Give what you can. No one will expect more, and no one should expect less."

I left with a good feeling. I always feel calm.. relaxed.. and safe with Synelle around. She does something to you.

S & S

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